So I just got home from my most recent adventure: Big Apple-con in NYC!
Overall, it was fucking tight(I didn't spend as much money as I thought I would :3) and I was really glad to meet a lot of different NG users.
Best $130 or so I've ever spent.
Day 1
Well, as far as my first time traveling solo goes, it was really awesome.
I got a bit lost getting off my train and shit, but after getting oriented and finding the place, I ended up waiting in line to get in with Afro-ninja and Krinkels. That was a blast.
On the way in we met up with the Super Milburn Bros. (Nathaniel and Bryce) and we went in.
At a first glance, the place was really fucking intimidating. It was wall to wall comics. I myself was expecting maybe a bit of Anime or Manga, but there was fucking NONE. Shit, NG was the really only non-comic thing there. Fo' real.
Anyways, we made our way back to the booth where we met up with Bob, Tomamato, Mindchamber, Swain, and our resident grumpy mexican, Luis.
As the day came and went, I met a lot of people I have worked with/talked to online.
As I had forewarned, I launched a full attack with my Rape Missiles at Nogfish, who really should have fucking played along a bit more. That would have made hilarious video >:c We hung out for a little bit and then a few of us wanted to go see the Nintendo World store and Darkshadow8181 is from Brooklyn and a basic idea where it was, thusly there was a journey. It was a bit of a letdown, I won't lie. We were really just killing some time until...
Tom and April arrived around 2 pm, so it was fun to see "the beard", seeing as last time I saw him he was bare like a babe. It was fun to play catch up. I can say that I kicked his ass at NG Rumble, which Mindchamber had set up to play with four-player action with controllers :D
Eventually, The Milburns and I got kinda bored shooting the shit eith everyone, so we stole Darkshadow8181 and went back to our appartment to listen to the Sick Animations CD Nathaniel got (it was fucking awesome, I got one the next day!).
Eventually, we left to meet up with all the rest of the guys at a kitsch little restaurant called Pop Burger. We got there a little late to the party but I ended up sitting next to El-presidente and eating most of his calamari. The food was kinda shitty, but sitting next to a slightly buzzed Tomamato and watching some shitty 80's dancing movie without any sound was entertaining. I wish I had been able to join in on the drinking, I felt a bit left out :c
Anyways, on the way out, we were all getting our money together and Tom said he was going to pick up the tab! Thanks, Tom! You're too fucking awesome!
We got back to our room about 10 pm and we all crashed.
Day 2
We woke up a little sore because we had walked all over the day before. We watch VH1's Hottest People of the 90's until about noon and then we grabbed a cab to the convention.
This was probably the most interesting day.
I think I actually gave out my signature about 5 or 6 times and I actually had a fan ask me about some stuff. I didn't even know I fucking had fans. Awesome.
As for the most part of the day, it was really a bit of a blur. I spent a good portion of the afternoon chatting with Cz-Backlash and drawing penises in his sketchbook. Eventually, Kirbopher15 showed up too and that was a blast. I spent the day sitting in front of the booth and palling around with the guys. I think I met Reyals, but he must have gotten a haircut or something. He was too quiet or everything else was too loud. I kinda ended up working at the booth a little. Just a little.
As all good things come to an end, it was time to go. Cz-Backlash, Kirbopher15 and I helped all the "official" NG representatives teardown and pack up, which was actually pretty fun. We said our good-byes, head our ways, and Tomamato and I ended up heading to Borders and getting some Manga(I convinced him to get some Negima! and I got some shit for myself). That killed about half an hour and I have another hour to wait for my train(which ended up being delayed out the ass).
Overall, possibly the best weekend ever. I only wish I had had a better camera and it hadn't been so fucking hot. I was almost constantly sweating and nasty :c
The picture is Nogfish and I after my attempted rape. Guess who's who :3
OMG nogfish seems to be a bit... confused.
He wasn't sure if he wanted it or not.