Yeah, that's right. It's been almost 2 years and AFD6 still isn't technically dead yet.
Why? I refuse to let it die.
I mean, shit, I have enough done to submit it, but why submit something that feels unfinished? That'd be like Michaelangelo looking up at the Sistine Chapel and calling it quits because he was bored and he thought it looked "good enough".
So, as I posted in the forum, it's not dead. In fact, it's more like it's sick and right now I'm pouring a few glasses of OJ. OJ in the form of talking tomore people and punching Luis in the peepee place.
- New round of recruiting
- Increased hassling of unfinished members
- More time to assemble/finish parts
- Less distractions
- 25% less sugar
- User Tested, Parent Appalled
Here's a link to the "official" post on the BBS in the "official" topic, but really, I barely read it. As it says, you'd be better off to contact me personally.
If you are interested, feel free to shoot me an PM, IM, or email. Everything is still open to all.
Hoping you all had a good International Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day,
what are some of the things that haven't already been done?
Well, PimpinJ has bailed on his Synj part, so stuff like Alien Hominid, Dad 'N Me, and all the rest are available. Jerry Jackson and Salad Fingers are open if you were up for some Dave Firth action.
To be honest, a lot of stuff is open. Practically everything.