New Header
So I finally got around to making a new header, tell me what you guys think.
I wanted to try my hand at getting something to fit with the NG and continue through, essentially similar to what Jeff/Johnny Utah used to have.
Leave some crit, bitches :3
AFD6 Update
Yeah... it's still going, just veeeeeery slow. Waiting on a few people to do their parts, but it's no use to hustle those certain people until after tomorrow, seeing as Pico Day has been an endeavor for almost all of them.
But let me tell you, it WILL be the best AFD yet.
Monkey Your
So at this moment, I have Clive the Monkey in my possession.
If you haven't heard, Clive's traveling around the world. The US tour is already booked and set up, but he's going to be hitting Canada, the UK, Europe, Austrailia, and probably Asia or Africa if interest is shown.
Check out some of the pictures, make some comments, have a ball!
Yeah, if you thought high school finals were bad, try college finals.
I'm ready to off myself.
I'm getting ready to head off to the worst final I'll ever have in my life... hopefully.
Enjoy the tag job. Angryfaic!
your header isn't animated
lol i'm surprised you're still sticking with AFD6, it's been years...
Radioactive24 (Updated )
Hey man, I'm diligent.
And it's over halfway done.
And I got the game working again.
And I put that in to screw with people abouts that "broken image" :3