
26 Game Reviews

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You had to come out TODAY?!?!?!

God dammit, I didn't want much competition! I thought that The movies in right now would have scared off most competition! Anyways, great game, now I'm mad that AFD5 won't get the daily >:(

LordDF responds:

LOL, woops! Good luck tomarrow. ;P

No. Just no.

Halloween does NOT have an apostrophe. the actual term was "All Hallow's Eve". It was started as a purtian tradition to dress up as "scray demons" to scare away the real ones and to give good luck in the up coming year. I don't quite know how the whole candy thing developed, but probably as some sort of reward for having a bad ass costume. I got through two questions and then I realized this was a shitty quiz with horrible questions. You ruin Halloween for everyone. Don't make quizzes unless you can graphicly support them and have questions that people care about (which is actually very hard).

P.S. Learn to fucking animate. Movies > Shitty Quizzes. It actually takes Talent to make a movie.

IceDragon64 responds:

1. Oxford English Dictionary- Hallowe'en.
2. Encyclopedia Brittanica- "It long predates Christianity".
3. What is the provenance of your theory about puritans? As I understand it the puritans suppressed the pagan customs of Samhain.
3. If you did the whole quiz and read the notes carefully, you would know more about how the 'candy thing' developed.
4. I don't see how the quiz can 'ruin Hallowe'en for everyone'- it got through judgement at 3/5.
5. I now have three quizzes through judgement and people PMing me to ask for more. My intro alone represents more graphics than most quizzes on NG.
6. Keep your foul language to yourself.
7. I make movies as well-I have 2 to my name, and two on the way. I have a B+ batting average, so I feel confident that I CAN animate and judging by the scores, the quizzes are considered as good as the movies.

I am sorry this was not to your taste, but may I suggest you might be more polite in future. Quizzes may not take much technique, but they take hours of research, programming and editing to get right.
Best Wishes,


There were 50 artisits in FourSecondFirestorm

The ORIGINAL motto is The problems of the future, today!

Along with the fact that the site has always ben Newgrounds. Tom's magazine/comic was called Newgrounds even, as a tribute it NeoGeo.

Learn more, double check your info, and don't make any more shitty quizzes.

ELFERRETO responds:

it is really 56 artists in FourSecondFirestorm

It said the CURRENT slogan, not the origional motto, so it IS everything, by everyone

i said it was what he WANTED to call the site

Read what you write

Wasn't that great :\

The graphics weren't great, they were a bit shabby

The game was original, but poorly planned out.

There wasn't much variation in souds, and the music got annoying fast.

There was lots of violence, but the quality was lacking. The blood sucked.

Intearctivity was good, I mean, it IS a game.

Humor wasn't really there. Killing kids = funny, but not in your game.

-good idea
-halloween them

-shoddy graphics, especially the blood. Could use diferent children. More animation would have been nice too.
-crappy, if no, plot/idea/goal
-sounds were too repetative
-music was annoying

<3 Rai

Rammer responds:

i wish you would elaborate more on what you didn't like, instead of simply telling us what's wrong, tell us how to fix it. writing a good review with a bunch of things you found wrong in it doesn't make this a critique, but rather a list of things you didn't like about this.

what was bad about the graphics?

how was this poorly planned out?

music, understandable. i probably could have chosen a better song, but we were getting down to the wire here, so we didn't have much of a choice.

again, how did the blood suck? what's wrong with it? you need to be specific here. reviews are here to critique people, or motivate them. your review is obviously trying to be a critique, so why not help me out, here?

as for the humor, maybe killing kids wasn't supposed to be funny in the first place \:. but again, you are being vague. assuming we wanted it to be funny, why not tell us how to make it funny?

1) we didn't have much time. we were late as it is, animating 7 deaths for multiple children would have taken a lot more than the few weeks we had to work on this. however, you do raise a good point.

2) the plot was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek kind of joke. i have a feeling your sense of humor is really out of whack.

3) again, understandable.

4) same as above.

if you could PM me with more specifics on why the blood sucked, how it was poorly planned out, how the graphics sucked, and how to make killing kids seem funny in this, i'd be very grateful.

thanks for not being a dick about this.


vry nice. Just one thing. I got REally high up, but when I got to the one level with the asteroid like ships, i killed them all and then one froze and wouldn't stop spinning, preventing me from going on. Is that the end or a glictch or what? I was kinda sad.

im sorry, but you have some problems to work out.

i thought it was just my computer, but then i felt better when i realized that everyone else had the problem too: your game won't fucking load! i have a gaming pc and cable internet, and it wont go past the stupid waiting screen for level one. there was no mucis, no anything after the menu! WTF?! is this a joke? im sorry, but i cant give you anything higher than a one. it would be awesome if i could play this.

it was good.

only complaint was that the clicking wasnt working well from the fifth level on. i seriously shot the guy in the head about 7 times before he went down, then the alarm got raised b/c the same thing happened to the second guy. otherwise, it was good.

Amazing, simply amazing!

this is beatiful. The graphics a chic and well drawn, the story is excellent, the gameplay is good. I loved this. it took up about 4/5 hours to play it all the way through, but damn, it was worht it. this was simply amazing. i cant think of any other words to describe it. This i on my favorites list, fifened, and i am waiting for it to be on FP. Congratulations on making such a kick ass flash my friend! I salute you you! this game must have taken MONTHS to complete. i applaud you. and i hope to see a sequel and a LOT more form you!

Happy Trails!

It was ok.

I understand that this probably took you loads of time and all, but when i cant even get past the first level without closing the window yelling "FUCK THIS!" as loud as i can, then i feel that the game is crap. its not that i cant play that kind of game, its just that you have the highway level too packed. look at a classic game, frogger. no way in HELL frogger tries to cross a road that congested. other than that, you had good graphics, it was pretty interactive, i would have liked to be able to tone down the quality, but you disabled the menu(smart), but i didnt see a quality button. also, i didnt quite like the who comic style thing in the beginning, nor did i grasp the point of it. there. unlike most people, i take time to write reviews. and i hope you respond.

LiLg responds:

there was a quality button in the bottom right hand corner. As for the frogger level. I suck at video games all i do is normally just draw, but i can beat that level with ease. In fact, I asked my programmer if he could make it easier just so i'd be able to beat it, because I knew if I could then anyone would be able to. Guess not. :) Besides, there are cheat codes for people who get angry but people don't want to read and find that out so shame shame on them.

Name: Jeremy Age: 21 Likes: Fire, Foreign Languages, Metal, Cigarettes, and Stamper's Penisy Fortitude Dislike: Clingy Women, Shitty Alcohol, Dip, People Dropping Out of AFD6, Luis Fondling My Cock While I'm Trying to Sleep

Age 34, Male


Millersville University


Joined on 4/19/05

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