Name: Jeremy Age: 21 Likes: Fire, Foreign Languages, Metal, Cigarettes, and Stamper's Penisy Fortitude Dislike: Clingy Women, Shitty Alcohol, Dip, People Dropping Out of AFD6, Luis Fondling My Cock While I'm Trying to Sleep

Age 34, Male


Millersville University


Joined on 4/19/05

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Radioactive24's News

Posted by Radioactive24 - January 26th, 2008


God it's fucking taken long enough, but it's finally nearing completion.

Here's the breakdown for you little shits:

- Preloader Game is finished
- Menu is about 50% done
- First song is almost 93% full (lol I calculated it)
- Intermission is ???
- Song 2 needs to be decided upon, but I have parts for it :3
- Credits will be done when the movie is completed

And I'm totally going to quote somebody great on this one and say this:

"One thing I've learned from all of my years of medical school, is that people love teasers."

So I'm going to give you that. All you little piggies can stuff your faces with this shit.

- Rai


AFD6 Update (yes, it is still alive!)

Posted by Radioactive24 - November 18th, 2007

So I was looking around and I found THIS article by a guy named Jonas Falcon, who is a dumbass. I read a good portion of the stuff, but one of his posts pushed me over the edge and I had to reply. The post in question is included in quotes in my reply, as well as I answered his original complaint thoroughly. Here was my reply:

Well, I may be a bit late to the party, but I have to completely disagree is Jonas. I have the box sitting right here in front of me.

It says it's a sequel, it says it has some new features and then, in big letters it says "OVER 55 ROCKIN' TRACKS, INCLUDING:

- You Really Got Me
- War Pigs
- Beast And The Harlot
- Crazy On You
- Carry On Waywayd Son
- Heart-shaped Box
- Killing In The Name Of
- Sweet Child O' Mine
- Message In A Bottle
- Shout At The Devil
- Surrender


Pulled right from the back of the box.

Now, what does that say to me?

It says "Hey Jeremy, these songs are in the game. You can play them."

I'll agree to that it doesn't say I might have to unlock songs, but it doesn't say that I won't have to unlock them. ALL IT IS SAYING IS THAT THE SONGS ARE IN THE GAME!

The fact that you bought the game under a preconceived notion that YOU CREATED YOURSELF that you could automatically play any song that you wanted is solely YOUR fault and has almost nothing to do with the company. They might not have come out and said "Hey, you might have to unlock this shit," but they sure as hell didn't mislead you about the songs being in the game, which is all that is says.

Point is, that you... created this idea that you would start off being able to play any song you wanted. Why? It never says anything anywhere like that. YOU thought it up, therefore YOU lied to YOURSELF. It's not the company's fault that you are an idiot who made speculations about a game that turned out to be incorrect and then got pissy about it. That's all on you, sport.

Also, I'm going to discet one post that you made that really botherd me and is pretty much the reason I'm writing this post now.

"Yes, Guitar Hero II is a GAME. A *game*. Which means, I *play*. I do not *work*. I want to *enjoy* myself. I want to do what *I* want to do." -JonasFalcon

Good. this is America. Freedom of all that and whatnot. What says you can't enjoy work? And what says that work is not play? You're purposefully being vague and it's backfiring. If you aren't enjoying the game, then get a new one. nobody is making you play it.

"You see, most kiddies under 23 don't seem to understand that people play games to have fun. Fun is subjective. However, I have a limited time to play games, so I want to get maximum enjoyment out of my gameplaying." - JonasFalcon

I really, REALLY have to say that this pissed me off. not only have you offended me as a gamer, you offended me as a person. You are telling me that because I'm 17, that I am an inadequate gamer who has no true concept of what gaming is, and that I am stupid. Well fuck you. I have a job, so I can see your dilemma in not having time to finish a game. That's your fucking problem. Find some time to enjoy a game. On that note, I have school and a job, so I have barely any time to play either, but I fucking love video games. So, before you start to insult large demographs of the population, shut the fuck up and think before you type.

"Kiddies treat these games like jobs. They don't actually HAVE jobs yet." -JonasFalcon

That's fucking bullshit. I have never once sat down and said "Okay, today my job is to play Final Fantasy XII and I expect to get paid." No. Kids see video games as another medium of entertainment. You are just a dumbass who doesn't remember what it's like to be a kid anymore. shut up.

"Dance Dance Revolution allows you to play nearly every song you desire, regardless of difficulty. Does that mean people will just want to play every song at Easy? Of course not." - Guess Who?

Dance Dance Revolution is a shitty game, first of all. Take that into note. Second of all, it's based off of an arcade version, which has very select memory, so
an unlockable system would be very challenging and pointless to make. With that much access to the public, it's acceptable to have the desired portions immediately accessible so that they make more money. Guitar Hero I&II, however, is not. It's centered around single player advancement through a tiering of levels based on developing skills and progressive difficulty. Also, I'm sure if they made a GHII arcade game, it'd have all the stuff unlocked and then they would have no career mode and it'd only be quick play, which is essentially all that DDR is. They are completely different games.

"There is a career mode. That's nice. I'll do the career mode. I enjoy it. But if I just want to play Free Bird immediately, I should be allowed to. I paid $90. I deserve it." - JonasFlacon

No, you paid $89.99 with or without tax for the game and a controller. You Don't deserve to play it automatically. If you had that, this entire article would have been about how it's too hard for you to play. The purpose of the game is to advance. THAT'S THE WHOLE GAME. Letting you have the holy grail of Rock And Roll from the get-go would defeat the entire purpose of the game.

"And this doesn't apply to Guitar Hero II only. Unlockable content used to be put down all the time as "console bullshit" among PC gamers for years. Now that consoles are trying to be computers (hard drive, internet access, etc.), they better grow up, or they'll be stuck as being considered toys by the rest of the world." - JonasFalcon

Wow. You never cease to amaze me. They ARE toys. That's what they'll always be. Look at the names; PLAYstation. GAMEcube. They're for fun, not for word processing, chart making or other shit like that. They will never make a console for the crotchety 32 year-old man like you so he can do his taxes in a fun way. Sorry to break your hopes and dreams, Jonas. And it has NEVER been solely considered a "computer bullshit". It's always been in games, even since Super Mario Bros. for Super Nintendo Entertainment System (note the name, ENTERTAINMENT). It's truly a basis for any game to progress slowly in difficulty, developing skills, and such.

In short, I already proved to you that it's your fault that you thought that the songs would be available form the start and that there is nothing misleading about the box or advertisements. That's all your fault and there is no one else to blame for your stupidity. Act your age instead of the ones that you say are incompetent and are not capable of understanding gaming.

On top of that, insulting people and calling them stupid (i.e. your reference to younger gamers) is no way to support an opinion and to get yourself to be taken seriously. all it proves is that you truly are a dumbass who deserves nothing more than to be wiped off the face of the Earth so that no drunk woman has the chance to accept your corrupted seed which would placate the continuation of the cancer of society, known as stupidity.

- Radioactive24 a.k.a. Jeremy

So, I would truly encourage people to go read this article and respond. I know it happened a while ago, but this sort of stupidity deserves action and response. Shit like this would NEVER be allowed on the BBS, right guys?

Anyways, have a good Thanksgiving and all that shit. I'm gonna go play my custom GH2 now. Peace!

- Radioactive24

Pic very related.

Guitar Hero II Is Not Misleading. (Rant)

Posted by Radioactive24 - October 9th, 2007

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/79 1618


Latest story from me :3


Posted by Radioactive24 - September 17th, 2007

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/77 8891

Banned for Supreme Justice, desu.


Posted by Radioactive24 - September 14th, 2007

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/77 7087

I'm not fucking retyping this shit.

Fuck You, McDonalds D:<

Posted by Radioactive24 - September 12th, 2007

Well, I liked the spanktastic layout I had going, but I decided to make things a bit more personal.

Thanks for all the comments, lol.

No moar bewbz, :'(

Posted by Radioactive24 - September 8th, 2007

New layout dedicated to the hotness of Gina Lynn and her fabulous breasts.


Lulz Bewbs

Posted by Radioactive24 - August 23rd, 2007

Posted by Radioactive24 - July 20th, 2007

So I have to say, I am damned excited about this.

The site is way sexy, even sexier than when Tom showed me back in March.

Blah blah blah, I'm done gushing.

I had my birthday a few days ago (moreso weeks, but who cares).

AFD6 is in progress, to all involved, keep working!