I'll completely support any accusations
Even though I've made sprite movies myself and I know how challenging it is/isn't, I have to say this is only a half decent one.
You don't really have a grasp on the whole "v-cam" thing, especially since whenever you zoom in or pan something, you distort your image. Sadly, that's easily avoidable by scaling the cam and not resizing(hold in shift when you resize). That's just a minor yet bothersome detail to me.
As far as originality goes, I actually read your author's notes *gasp* or rather, where they should be. Instead, it's you complaining about other people's complaints about how your work is unoriginal, which it is, unfortunately. You even get pissy about how people accuse you of ripping ideas from Proxide(which was my first thought when you had the feaux-menu pop up, considering it looks just like his exactly, just less photoshopped and more flashed).
Overall, yes, the sprites looked nice, but you really didn't have much plot to your movie, and I felt I should have watched some sort of prequel or had a backstory. Your spelling is atrocious(ex. "jeperdizing" instead of "jeopardizing") and you grammar is horrible(Not capitalizing names and first words of a sentence, using commas(or lack thereof)), and in general it was poorly written for what dialog there was.
As far as you bashing on Proxide, he only notes one other movie that "inspired" him to make his own, but he never claims originality. He might not have been the first, but similar to Alvin-Earthworm, he has taken his other abilities outside of Flash and incorporated them into an interesting and creative story, none of which you have.
You didn't make any of the art, really, except for the poorly made menu(which I think you used a stock button on anyways). The sprite animation was decent, but nothing special, seeing as everything was standard or stock, nothing personally created.
Overrall, it's a pretty bad movie for you to get so huffy about it.
No matter what you think your movie "deserves", it's going to get the score it warrants from voters. Contrary to what some people have said(Jackosender), this movie is somewhere on the low end of decent and nowhere near awesome. This is NOT Top 5 quality, this is NOT Frontpage quality, and you should really try harder next time when you want something. Putting in more effort usually yeilds better results, especially art-wise.
My Protip: Learn to use Photoshop for menus and special effects. Not only is Flash not really capable of making a sexy menu, it's really only good for coding it and putting some animation into it. As far as special effects, there's no need to get so heavy-handed with them, but stock effects are quite bring and it's nice to see variety.
You get a "meh" rating. 2/5.
I think I voted lower because I felt your movie score was inflated and I wanted to lower it, which I did.
Good luck next time.