That was good, but it really doest seem to belong
its good, dont get me wrong. its just not the think that you would expect to find on NG. three things. one, your choice of music, it started out nice, but then it got harsh and techno-y. you should just find a nice piano peice. two, it was a bit too fast with the text and stuff. slow it down so she can read it. three, Don't say "i dont care if this gets blammed" or stuff like that in the comments. that makes people go into watching your movie think that it's crappy and noobish. but that wasnt. it could have used a bit more animation and tween and stuff, but i assume you are a begginner, and that is pretty damn good art for a begginner. keep it up and the one who gets this is lucky ;) ill have to remember shite like this for V-Day(if its not another V-Day Massacure at my school[ my V-Day was horrible last year, that's what i refer to i t as] so i suggest you make anoter around that time) Good luck and Keep flashing!